Lucid Dreams - Chen San Solo Exhibition
這個夏天Chens Art與藝術家塵三合作打造了〈寤寐・悟昧〉塵三個展,是以顏色山水展現夢境的展覽。每一幅作品都象徵著生命的一個節點,讓觀者除了具有美學的欣賞外,更能夠認識自己的夢境。並且透過作品帶來的視覺感受,達到治癒及轉換心境的效果。
因此,塵三以山水作為夢境的主角,並且根據色彩心理學與顏色夢境解析繪製成一幅幅顏色山水。而在線條呈現上亦融入了粒質效果,如均勻的油彩能夠使人內心平靜;以油畫表現筆法的飛白會讓人心神振奮;以揉紙製造出蒙昧感能攝人心魄。塵三運用各種顏色暗示喚醒集體潛意識,在解夢過後也傳達了各種質地的能量,使焦躁者平順,使低落者昂揚。故Chens Art在此誠摯地邀您來體驗這以畫解夢的藝術旅程,它是一場自我解讀的展覽,更是改變前景的盛宴!
Chen San
After graduated from Fu-Hsin art school, the Taiwanese artist Chen San (b. 1953, Taiwan) further studied western painting at National Taiwan University of Arts. For decades, he has been exploring in-depth the aesthetics and philosophies of East and West. Chen San uses dry, wet, thick, and thin ink to express his philosophical insight about Zen. Looking at his works, one may achieve different levels of comprehension and enlightenment. San Chen's ideals can merely be appreciated by those who share the same state of intimacy. He believes that artistic creation should never be bound by any school or style. Instead, art should simply follow heart, to explore the inner potentials of human beings.
Chen San Curriculum Vitae